Alabama Workshop[s]
Alabama Workshop[s] is a project conceived by Auburn Architecture professor Sheri Schumacher. As the creative economy has grown in the southeast United States, the workshop — a place for craft — has the potential to impact societal needs and local economies. This publication highlighted several makers across Alabama and was supported by grants from the AU College of Architecture, Design, and Construction and the Alabama State Council for the Arts Design Fellowship.
Sheri Schumacher
Elliot Knight
Jared Ragland
Curtis Shannon
Featured in
Communications Arts Design Annual
Image by Jared Ragland

The Alabama Workshop[s] logo is inspired by traditional maker’s mark that are found stamped, engraved, or carved on craft objects. The color red is a reference the Alabama state flag.
A map of Alabama was created to show the locations of the makers found throughout different parts of the state. The choice of color and typography alludes to the visual language of topographic maps.
Red and black are the only colors used throughout the publication which allows an eclectic typographic system to be deployed without interference. Contrasting pairings between slab serifs and sans serifs, and wide geometric letters combined with condensed upright forms establish a dynamic information hierarchy.

The final piece was printed on newsprint which gives reader’s a sense of materiality and the printing process. The cover is letterpressed with silver ink on red paper stock.